
I got back on Sunday from my trip to St John's Newfoundland. I was visiting one of my best friends that I met in my first year of university. There's something about traveling that just makes me feel high. I don't know if it's being on a plane with headphones in staring into the clouds at eye level or the excitement of exploring a new place, or, seeing someone I haven't seen in too long. I don't know what it is but I'm addicted to it! I guess maybe that's why some of us consider ourselves wanderlust. Who knows! Anyways, St John's was absolutely beautiful. Everyone that I told that I was heading there for the weekend had the same reaction, "Oh my god,  you'll love it, it's beautiful!" I didn't really know what to expect, but was I ever amazed.

I'm alwayssssss drawn to the ocean, and obviously I'm a bit of a city girl, so this downtown, harbor combo was so nice! If you know anything about Newfoundland "snooty city people" are the last thing they're known for. The people were so nice and so talkative and friendly. I love that !!!!!! I also loved that you could get a downtown waterfront feel, and then drive 10 minutes and literally be on the edge of the East Coast. Amazing! Of course the newfies are known for drinking, so we did what was expected of us and had a couple too many of those. ;) 

If you have yet to visit this far away land, I think you should get on it by. 

I also need to give a little shoutout to David Guetta for providing the one song soundtrack of the trip.